Psychometric Tests
  • 21 Feb 2022
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Psychometric Tests

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Article summary

Over the years, psychometric tests have become popular options for testing a student’s abilities in school. While they can certainly help a student understand themselves and their future choices better, we do not recommend using them as the sole indicator of a student’s abilities. There are some well-known problems with these tests:

Creation Bias: Many of these tests are designed around a different educational environment and schooling system. Thus, an Indian school student is not the ideal fit for them. The inherent creation bias often leads to inaccurate results and reporting. 

Vague and Ambiguous Parameters: Many of these tests use rather vague terminology for explaining the evaluation criteria. In many cases, these ‘parameters’ are generalized and group several skills together. This kind of grouping does not help the student understand themselves better. In the worst case, these tests can be deceptive and misrepresent a student’s affinity for a particular subject area. 

No Clear Roadmap: After these tests are administered, there is seldom a clear roadmap presented to the student in terms of what they should do to further their skill. Without this, a lot of time is potentially wasted. 

We at CollegeLab believe that students deserve a more engaging and immersive experience in order to draw out their strengths and weaknesses. Only then can we begin to set milestones, expectations, and mechanisms to help each student develop and refine their unique path in life. 




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