The Right 'Fit'
  • 24 Jul 2024
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The Right 'Fit'

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Your essay will be read by an Admissions Officer or Committee. Admissions Officers may or may not have specialised knowledge in the major you’re applying to, so you must keep in mind that as a student explaining your interest in quantum physics or the magnet effect in stock market simulations, your essay must be written in simple language to communicate your interests. 


Explain how a certain academic concept captured your attention when you started to explore its application. Eg: “I studied Quantum Mechanics: A Complete Introduction by Dr Alexandre Zagoskin, where I learned the key topics around quantum mechanics. The discourse on this subject was debated, which made it even more interesting. It suggested that there is so much more to learn and theorise, to fail to conjure and then consider a different method, to evolve constantly and to share our knowledge of the infinite universe.”


If you have a particularly specific goal for the future (Eg: a research interest), explain what it does and how it benefits the way you will contribute to what we already know in the subject.





It is imperative that you understand the nature of the college you’re applying to. Start with a simple Wikipedia search which can tell you a lot about the institution. Read its history, what it has achieved in the last decade, its ideological leanings, any major pop culture references made and what its notable alumni are doing. Even learning the college colours can help. Just make sure to verify any information about Student Organisations and events on the actual website since these can change or have been discontinued before your academic year. Please note that the college you’re applying to will be famous for multiple reasons, (Eg: a strong historical legacy + meaningful social impact) so you may combine the instructions below when writing your college essays.


Colleges known for their interdisciplinary learning

Brown, UPenn


When applying to colleges that pride themselves on their Open Curriculum, ensure that your profile, too, stands out as unique in terms of academic interests, befitting the nature of the institution. Imagine, in what way can your interests combine to find the right future for you? Get creative with the combinations, because every student applying to a CS program will mention their interest in mathematics, but a CS student who wants to capitalise on their interest in sports to work in sports analytics or sports science will be a better fit for a college that supports interdisciplinary learning. Consider a student with an excellent academic profile in neuroscience and a deep interest in the creative arts. At Brown, they want to study NEUR 1740 The Diseased Brain: Mechanisms of Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders and VISA 0160 Painting Foundation to expand on their interests and explore art therapy. This kind of interdisciplinary learning can only be available at a few institutions and ensures that this student will find a genuinely fruitful experience at Brown. 


Colleges known for undergraduate research and innovation

Cornell, Columbia, Princeton, Johns Hopkins, CalTech, MIT


In the case where you want to explain how your high school research was a major learning experience, you should mention a research centre at the institution you’re applying to. First, check of the research centre works with undergraduates. Next, mention an assistant or associate professor at the institution who could guide you on this topic (again, check if the professor works with undergraduates). Don’t mention visiting professors or guest lecturers for this exercise. Lastly, write what area you want to do research in and what do you hope to accomplish by uncovering that knowledge.


Colleges known for their historical legacy

Harvard, Columbia, NYU, Yale, UC Berkeley, 


While applying to these prestigious colleges, you have to do research about the circumstances in which these institutions were established, what they stand for, any major achievements that particularly resonate with your profile, or how their location, culture and traditions will add to your college experience. E.g., If you’re a female applying for a social science degree at Wesleyan College, and one of your academic interests is the liberation of women in society, let the Admissions Officer know how Wesleyan’s title of the first women’s college is the perfect place for you to do what you stand for. It’s not purely by virtue of the fact that you’re a female student that you can make this connection. You must go a step further and explain why Wesleyan is the place for your academic and personal interests.


Colleges known for their strong connections to industry and professional networks

Upenn, NYU


While it is pretty obvious that you’re pursuing a professional degree to get a job or become an entrepreneur, an essay meant for these colleges doesn’t have to be purely focused on business. Instead, ask yourself, what change in the world do I want to see, and how will my degree aid in that process? If you’re interested in fashion, consider how a business degree will interact with your passion. 


Eg: You may fund virtual fashion designers and making the art limitless, or you may want to support weavers who cannot pass down their art to the next generation by reaching out to engineers who can create machines that will preserve their intricate weaving styles. Think of your degree as a tool to enter an industry that you really want, such as funding small banks in underdeveloped countries, making alternate forms of currency such as Bitcoin more reliable and accessible to the general public, etc.


Colleges known for a liberal arts education:

Yale, Bowdoin, Macalester, Vassar, Carleton


One of the most telling things you will notice about sample essays for liberal arts colleges is that they are written with a deep desire to engage with the community around them. Show yourself as a candidate who is excited about imagining oneself in a seminar-style learning system with small class sizes and a plethora of ideas around you. Consider telling major life-changing experiences that highlight your critical thinking skills and your ability to engage with your community. Instead of explaining how you received a glowing review in your last internship, what was the one real-world challenge that tested your teenage self to grow into a young adult? Also, besides a strong academic background, you must show yourself as someone who wants to explore different kinds of learning, whether it be through an undecided major or a set of unique courses you want to pursue at the institution.


Colleges known for their tight-knit student communities 

Dartmouth, Swarthmore, Notre Dame


Colleges of this kind have a unique identity, whether it be a strong alumni network, a well-known sports team or a place that fosters deep spiritual connection. Check if the location of the institution or the founder’s beliefs plays a role in this (they usually do). In your college essay, explain to the Admissions Officer how your profile matches with the institution. 


If you’re a student passionate about sports and all things quintessentially American, check out activities such as Dartmouth Big Green. You may not know much about rowing or American football, but explore how it's going to be an exciting shift from cricket and will give you the opportunity to dive into the culture.


Colleges known for focusing on social impact

Notre Dame, Colby, Williams


To write an essay where you want to connect with the college’s motivations to bring positive social impact, first consider the area of expertise. Find on the college’s activities page how it wants to serve the society around (ecological practices, public policy making, engineering effective solutions for the disadvantaged, etc)


For example, your high school research project on drug abuse and your contribution as a member of your school’s nature club can help your profile when you tell the Admissions Officer that you want to apply to a college club that studies indigenous health practices and writes articles about them. Note that the area of expertise does not have to be a perfect fit, but instead, your essay should be centred around the theme of wanting to bring positive change.

Now that we have covered the different types of colleges, click on this article to learn about the types of college essays.

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